A New Season

Dear friend,

Fall is upon us.  This morning, as I sit from my office spot, coffee in hand, and look out over the garden, I am in awe of the beauty of the world around me. Green, gold, and crimson leaves flutter through the air and litter the yard. A family of squirrels has been busy gathering nuts while our dog Pearl goes crazy from their intrusion. My beloved hummingbird friends are visiting the feeders for the final time as they begin their journey south. One of them hovered at the window for a few seconds, as if thanking me for my generosity before bidding me farewell. Yes, I have been enjoying my days; relishing in the excitement of the changes that are coming!

Then it hit me. There were so many years in my life when I could not enjoy Fall. Though the changing colors were stunning— I was simply too wrapped up in the dread of winter to enjoy what Fall had to offer. I had to force myself to take a deep breath and then, slowly release it. Ah! That was the old me; the way I used to think— and that me is gone! Like the baby caterpillar I have talked so much about, I am changing; growing; becoming…

What a relief there is to be able to see a new season of life arrive and be joyous about it instead of fearful! Goodness, it’s taken me a lifetime to get here! Oh my Friend, I want to share the feeling; I long for others to experience it, too— but the words elude me.

The seasons aren’t the only things that are changing! This year, instead of watching it all unfold as a spectator, I am choosing to join in and make a number of changes myself! My beloved BuiltToBeAButterfly site will be among the many things in my life to receive an update. Old material is being removed; new posts, sharing fresh perspectives, will eventually be added to replace them. It is time to also consider bringing BuiltToBeAButterfly  back to social media, too, I guess— though I’ve been avoiding that as long as I can.  🙂  Keep your eyes posted!

So many of you have emailed me with kind remarks and sweet notes this past year or two. I can’t tell you how much your words have strengthened me! Courage in the face of tremendous change is not my strong suit! But your snippets of encouragement have kept me motivated to finish the good work God put me here to do. I am really excited to see what He has planned for this new—and very different—season of life.

And next—drum roll please— I am thrilled to announce that my two most recent projects—the book Lessons From My Garden, and a 30-day coordinating study guide which parallels the book, are currently in the final stages of development. I know—I told y’all that I was working on this set several years back. But, life happened and time sort of slipped away from me. All that procrastinating is behind now, though! They should both be available on Amazon in the next four to six weeks! Woo-Hoo! 

Of course, life is more fun when we can share it with friends! Please make sure you share this site, and like and follow us once we return to social media. Meanwhile, I will post updates here! Keep me in your prayers! There is still a lot of hard work to be done before I can inch across the finish line!

Until Next Time!


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