I Daydream About New Things

Hello Dear Friend!

Welcome! Today? I’m daydreaming! NOT out of discontentment, as we all sometimes do… But in preparation for upcoming change. We’ll be moving again soon. I’m not exactly sure where or… even when. The uncertainty could frazzle the nerves of someone like me— someone who’s always tried to have a plan A, B and C! 


I could follow natural human tendencies and let fear of the unknown cloud my thinking. I could allow myself to become obsessed with re-creating a home that looks exactly like these great pictures and stomp my feet in utter frustration if the slightest little thing falls short of my expectations. Ah, but our dreams aren’t there to stir up discontentment. They are simply supposed to get the creative juices flowing! 


The trick is realizing that I don’t need these things to magically become happy. My daydreams are merely tools– tools which help me mold and shape—guard and discard, in such a way that my fears of the unknown are distracted by all the excitement of “what’s next”! 


What if.. for example… Instead of focusing on “losing” my insanely beautiful 1960 Frigidaire Flair oven, I allow my mind the freedom of exploring a million other beautiful types of kitchen designs?


What if… Instead of sighing about leaving another secret garden behind, I encourage my mind to design my next outdoor retreat— something enchanting with meandering cobblestone paths and the alluring sound of trickling water? 


Oh dear friend, daydreaming doesn’t mean I am woefully discontent. It means I am teaching my soul how to hold things loosely — to deeply appreciate what I have in the moment; but to hold so much hopeful expectation for tomorrow, that I am not fearful to walk into the unknown. 


I hope you’ll be encouraged to do some daydreaming of your own. After all, hopeful expectation is a beautiful thing! 

Until Next Time,

Tenacity Is My Goal

Well Hello Friend!

Happy New Year to you and your household!

At the beginning of each Gregorian calendar year, I prayerfully choose a word which has the qualities I’m striving to attain. This year that word is “Tenacity”. What is it about that word that appeals to me? Well…. quite honestly… nothing— in the flesh. LOL. The word actually sounds like struggle and hard work at this moment in my life. But maturity is recognizing that you might need to work on something— even if it isn’t a fluffy, feel-good experience. And I’m trying to be mature enough to choose what I know I need more of. Hence: Tenacity. 🙂

You see, it’s easy to move forward towards your mission when the path is obvious and the road is clear. When your social media posts get thousands of “likes” and “shares” and you have an audience of eager cheerleaders singing your praises. Those kinds of things encourage a person, right? Ah— but motivating yourself to get up and do the hard things can be much more challenging if you have developed a pattern of tying external validation to the value of your mission.

We need to ask ourselves: Do we really want to be vulnerable to the whims of human emotion and AI algorithms? Should our world come crashing down if our husband, friends, family or social media pages aren’t ecstatic with praise for our contributions? What happens when we wake up one morning and the likes and praise are simply not there?

How do you persevere then? Where does the energy, the strength, the courage come from when our external validation dries up and withers away? That’s an important question because we are all going to experience seasons in our life when our outside support systems fail us! Family crisis occur. Friends move away. People get distracted by their own personal issues. Relationship statuses change. How do we keep moving forward when we find ourselves in a dry season, with few external sources of validation and encouragement? 

Well my friend, it comes from Tenacity.

Tenacity is the determination to press forward— even without likes or shares or words of affirmation. It is pushing forward, fueled by the KNOWING that you were created for this purpose and as long as you keep at it, you WILL attain success. It is the conviction that our purpose in this life time will eventually be fulfilled! Not necessarily because humanity has embraced and rewarded us, but because we were faithful to the calling placed upon our lives! 

Such a drive can not be thwarted by lack of cheerleading because its source never came from there to begin with! It is based instead on the unshakeable confidence that the Creator Himself called us forth from the darkness and placed a mission in our spirit. It allows us to move forward with courage— understanding that the World’s opinion of our efforts is meaningless. They can not deem us a failure OR a success— because the mission didn’t originate from them.

And that is the kind of stamina I am after this year! I am yearning for something deeper than I currently have! I don’t want to be distracted by my sales reports on Amazon or by the numbers of followers I have on social media. I don’t want to feel like I’m going to shrivel up and die if my husband doesn’t notice what I’ve done around the house today. I don’t want to spiral into depression because my social network doesn’t always agree with my opinions. Those things aren’t ‘bad” to have but they are not true indications of the spiritual impact of my life, and they aren’t indications of your impact, either!

If the Creator of the Universe has tapped us on the shoulder and invited us to rise up and accomplish a task— is it not clear that He would instill everything we need to accomplish it? When we give in to fear and doubt, it really isn’t us we are questioning. The hard, cold truth is— it shows our distrust in our Creator. We doubt because we can’t fathom that He would choose to use us-— piddly, imperfect, frail humans with our messy little lives. But Dear One, that’s exactly WHY He chooses us! And if we place our focus on just staying the course and being faithful with what He has given us to do, we will eventually make it to the finish line—successful in every way that counts!

That’s why I’ve chosen Tenacity as my word for 2025. I’m a long way from attaining it, but it’s an inspiring goal. What word inspires you to do better this year? Please feel free to comment here— or find me on line. I’d love to hear from you.

Until Next Time, 

A Life Well Lived

Today as I was having my morning coffee and watching the squirrels rob my bird feeders, I was startled by a loud “Thud” at my sliding glass doors. I looked out the door and was grieved to see this beautiful young cardinal flopping around on the patio below. 

Birds have hit the glass before. Usually, they sit –stunned— for a few seconds, gather their composure, and fly away unscathed. But … not this time. This sweet little girl had clearly hit too hard… too fast… or in a way which did damage beyond what my eyes could visibly see.

I ran outside, gently scooped her up and tried to assess the damage. Her little body went limp in my hands. She was still breathing but there was absolutely nothing I could do to “fix” her. So, I did the only thing I could think to do. I sat down on the steps of the patio and gently ran my fingers across her soft feathers while I told her how beautiful she was.

I kept hoping that the situation wasn’t as dire as it seemed—- that she’d ‘wake up’, gather her strength and flutter away, the way I’d seen so many other birds do. But that didn’t happen this time. After a few minutes, she sighed her last breath and was gone.

Her body was warm; a stark difference from the frigid morning air which surrounded us. I continued to hold her for a few minutes, stroking her feathers and appreciating the intricate details of her body. She had been strong enough to live and fly during a Missouri winter. Yet looking at her lifeless little body, it was clear that she was also shockingly fragile. One wrong move and her life had been cut short.

So many encouraging analogies have come from my garden. But today, instead of joy, it brought a tinge of sadness. It brought an unwelcome admonition; a reminder of how harsh and fragile life can be. It smacked me in the face — I am mortal. I am limited —both in the days of my life AND in the power I hold. Most things are outside of my control, regardless of how desperately I wish that were different. I can’t fix everything. In fact, I can’t even “fix” most things.

But you know what? In spite of my humanity and all my many short comings, I can choose to remain kind. I can choose to remain empathetic. I can choose to offer a helping hand where it’s needed. I can choose to provide both comfort and kindness where it’s needed. And in spite of how fragile and short life is, those choices can make me— or any of us, for that matter— incredibly powerful!

It might not feel like much during a moment of sadness— but being impactful is my definition of a life well lived. What about you?


Until Next Time,