Let Him In

My Dear Friends,

If you are young, thin, and beautiful… fully confident that the world is your oyster longing to make you a necklace of priceless pearls…
If your marriage is on solid ground and your kiddos are all walking as they should…
If you can climb out of bed without aches and pains and look in the mirror naked without wincing …
If your kitchens counters are bare and tidy, and all your laundry is folded and put away…
If you can go to the grocery store without having to wait until pay day and you pay your electric bill before the cut off date…

This post isn’t for you.

But if those conditions don’t apply in your life, pour yourself a cup of hot tea and keep reading. I’m here to tell you that God sees you!! He hears you!! EVERY tear you have cried, every moan that has welled up inside your weary soul… He knows it all.

Take a deep breath and look around your house with a critical eye. Many of us are behind on a lot of projects. It takes every ounce of our energy to accomplish even the most necessary of chores. There’s dirty laundry piled up in the floor, dishes to be washed and put away, sticky fingerprints left behind by wandering little ones to wipe down. There might be dust on the furniture that’s thick enough to write a message in. 😉

If that’s you— God wants you to sit down for a moment and take a few deep breaths. He knows this motherhood thing is challenging. And… tho it is wonderful to have a clean house and to feel like you’re on top of your to-do list, He wants you to know that—in the long term scheme of things— dusting won’t really matter. Your family won’t be better adjusted or feel more loved if your house is dust free. It doesn’t work like that.

He wants you to do what you must to meet the needs of your family. Focus on quality food and quality time. Read and Live His Word to your children. Strive to make your home a place where your family feels safe, peaceful and loved. All the other things we tend to stress over really won’t be as life-changing as that. Now, take another look around your house. Each family has a different love language. What can you do in the next 30 minutes that will say “I love you” to your family? Do THAT thing. Make that your priority for today.

Your marriage? My sweet friend, whether your husband leaves or stays, Yahweh wants to be the top priority in your life. He wants you to know that in the darkness, as you curl up alone on your side of the bed and clutch your pillow in utter despair… He longs to be your husband.

God is not built of human flesh. He will not succumb to the pressures of life. His desire for you will never wax and wane. His love for you can never be undermined. He will never compare you to another and leave you feeling inadequate. He knows you were created to bring a unique beauty into this realm and you will forever be the apple of His eye. You are HIS— purchased at great cost. You are valuable beyond your wildest imagine. In fact, He utterly adores you!

Give yourself to Him completely. Fall into His loving arms and pour your heart out to Him. He has seen it all… and He understands. Allow Him to comfort you. He will lead you, guide you, protect you and provide for you. He will never leave you or forsake you. His loving Spirit will fill-in all the holes that life has punched in you and turn your shame to glory.

He also wants you to know that He loves your kiddos. Believe it or not, He loves them even more than you do! He knew their names before the creation of the universe, and He chose you to be their mother. Yes, you! With all your many faults and shortcomings— He still chose YOU. He didn’t choose you because He expected you to be perfect. He did it because He knew you were the perfect mother for the children He was building, even though you would occasionally fall short.

He took flesh and bone from your body, knitting it into your womb and then breathed life into the tiny being. You were granted the miracle of feeling the spark of life rustle inside you. Do you remember the day you first discovered you were pregnant? The excitement, mingled with a terrifying fear? You were scared you weren’t ready. You weren’t sure the timing was right (but is it ever really “right”??) Yet when the dust settled and your heartbeat stopped racing, the idea really took hold of you—-mind, body and spirit. You quickly grew to love this little being, long before you laid eyes on him. Yahweh knows that feeling well— because He experienced the same joy as He watched you grow in your own mother’s womb!

Motherhood is the highest calling He bestows, and yes— He knew in advance that there would be times when you would screw up. He knew it… and He chose you any way! Since the Creator of the Universe is confident you can do the job He’s given you…. then Momma, maybe you need to move past the doubt and into the quiet, humble conviction that, with His help, you really are qualified to do the job at hand.

God wants you to know that your children have a mighty purpose— and He is going to weave every event into something that will eventually bring benefit to them and glory to Himself— even the waywardness and mistakes that you are so grieved by right now. Ask for His forgiveness where you have messed up, and for His wisdom in the days ahead. Get on your knees and lift your family up in your prayers. They are fighting battles we can not even fathom!! They need their momma’s constant prayers!! ASK for Him to pour out His goodness upon your children; for Him to meet their needs, heal their wounds and pave the way for them to find their way back to Him! He is eager to pour out blessings upon those who search for Him with their whole heart. (And nothing will make a person search for Him like the desperation they feel over a wayward child! Am I right?!)

Don’t be discouraged! Instead, Use this season to your advantage! Allow it to re-ignite the relationship you have with the Creator! Pour your wounded momma’s heart out to Him and let Him put the shattered pieces back in a way that brings beauty and sense out of the brokenness.

For those with financial issues: It is a heavy responsibility to carry the physical needs of your family on your own human shoulders. God wants you to know that He understands the weight you carry. He wants you to know that He understands you have needs, and that He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He wants you to search your heart and ask Him for what you truly need. He wants you to trust that He can (and will!) provide. And He wants you to prove it through offering Him a portion of your First Fruits.

It will be one of the hardest lessons in trust that you will ever face! But your tithe will be like seeds planted in the garden. You will reap what you sow. If you don’t have money right now? Tithe your TIME. It is a valuable resource to the Kingdom of Heaven! But don’t cheat God and then expect for Him to pour abundantly into your life. It just doesn’t work like that. The sowing and reaping analogy is miraculous. Test it for yourself and see.

God wants me to mention that there are some of us who are living with frail and failing bodies. We have been betrayed by the ravishes of time. The days of youth and good health are behind us. The future looks dim and disheartening. For those walking that path right now? He understands that we are only dust. He wants you to know that He cares. He wants to remind you that this body, which encases our spirit, is nothing more than an earth-suit, doomed to decay. The exercise, the rigid diets, the treatments, the supplements—- eventually, they will each fail to perform the miracles we demand. But He also wants you to know that won’t be your end! It will be your new beginning—the start of eternity in His presence!

The process is scary only because we can not fathom the love Yahweh has for us! Turn to Him and share your heart. He understands the fear, the pain, the questions. He’s just waiting for you to talk to Him. Ask Him for ministering angels; for peace and surety and a sound mind. He is waiting for your last breath to leave your earthly confines— where your eyes will finally be able to see the fullness that has previously been hidden from them. He’s been there all along, my friend. Even during those dark and lonely seasons. When your eyes are fully capable of seeing all that He has done for you, the fear will melt like snow in the spring and burst forth into a joy that surpasses all comprehension.

I don’t know who this message was for—specifically. But I do know I was prompted intently to write it. It’s His love letter to you. You are the daughter of the King of the Universe and He utterly adores you! Pull yourself up by the boot strings and wipe your eyes. As long as you’re still in your earth-suit, you have work to do! Get on your knees if you can— if not, just close your eyes and get to a quiet place where you and God can have a pow-wow. He wants to love on you. All you have to do is let Him in!

Until Next Time,